Team Project Exhibits
The Mechanical Engineering capstone projects are on exhibit in the Engineering Building from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The exhibits are located in the 1200 hallway.
Admission is free and open to the public. Visitors are welcome.
Team Presentations
Throughout the morning, the capstone teams give formal presentations in Engineering Building Rooms 1202, 1220 and 1300. The team that produces the most outstanding technical design project is presented with the Thomas Alva Edison Design Award; the team that gives the best technical project presentation receives the ME 481 Project Presentation Award.
Schedule of Presentations
Engineering Building Room 1202
Time Sponsor
8:00 Michigan AgrAbility
Project: Automatic Gate Opener
8:30 Heartwood School/Ingham ISD
Project: Adapt-A-Step
9:00 Heartwood School/Ingham ISD
Project: Bus Safe Climbing System
9:30 MSU IPF Landscape Services
Project: Salt Brine Development
10:00 Swagelok
Project: UniversalCylinderClamp
10:30 MSU Recyling Center
Project: FoodWasteCart Coating
11:00 ME Department
Project: Dynamometer for Electric Bicycle (Joint Project with ECE 480)
Engineering Building Room 1220
Time Sponsor
8:00 MSU Adaptive Sports & Recreation Club
Project: Sled Hockey Transfer Platform
8:30 Michigan AgrAbility
Project: Shop Door Hoist
9:00 ArcelorMittal
Project: In-Line Oil Measuring Device
9:30 CANVAS SOAR – Autodrive Challenge
Project: Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Integration
10:00 MSU IPF Landscape Services
Project: Autonomous Mowing and Snow Removal
10:30 Whirlpool Corporation
Project: Self-Cleaning Dryer Water Pump Test Stand
11:00 Flash Steelworks, Inc.
Project: Flash Processing Rotational Fixture
Engineering Building Room 1300 (10:55 in Room 2205)
Time Sponsor
8:00 Consumers Energy
Project: Modular Gas Lower Explosive Limit Sensor
8:30 Ford Motor Company
Project: Parasitic Loss Test Data Processing
9:00 Kautex Textron
Project: Machine Simulation & Functionality Study
Project: Non-Clogging Fungal Filter for Harvesting Microalgae
10:00 MSU Department of Theatre
Project: FittingStand
10:30 MSU Department of Theatre
Project: Honeycomb Deck Testing
10:55 MSU Smart Microsystems Lab (This presentation takes place in room 2205)
Project: Snake Robot for Inspection of Small Diameter Pipelines (Joint Project with ECE)