Patrick Kwon
Professor of
Mechanical Engineering
Design and Demonstrate a Mechanical System for 3D Printing
The objective is to develop a mechanical system to be adopted by 3D printing machines, which can be categorized as Binder Jet Printing (BJP), Fused Deposition Method (FDM), or Scalable and Expeditious Additive Manufacturing (SEAM) using powder (sand) and resin (olive oil).
The requirements of system are the following:
- The system should be capable of combining and homogeneously mixing a solution of 1:4 weight ratio of olive oil and sand (i.e. 5 grams of oil and 20 grams of sand).
- At minimum the sand should be deposited in a 1 mm thick layer on a 10 X 10 cm platform in a controlled manner.
Presumably, the system might consist of:
- A material supplying module: this module is capable of spreading sand and depositing oil selectively with a specific weight ratio for BJP and spreading the mixture for FDM and SEAM.
- A mixing module: mix the oil and sand to form the homogeneous solution for FDM and SEAM.
- A deposition module: deposit a certain amount of the sand or mixed solution (10 grams).
Evaluation criteria:
- The homogeneity of the solution or deposited sand layer will be inspected visually.
- The quantity of the deposition will be based on the weight of each deposition.
The electric motors must be controlled by MyRio which will be provided together with a few motors. Starting from an individual project and progressing into a team project, each student needs to contribute individually, as well as collaboratively, to accomplish a series of tasks. Each team must produce the machine through a series of design and manufacturing tasks. CAD/CAM packages, CNC machining, rapid prototyping, testing, etc. will be used to produce the machine.
Teams and Team Members
Group SEAM:
Kylie Kuskowski
Lizette Mina
Lucas Russell
Ryleigh Turner
Conner Witham
Group BJP-A:
Kylie Carbary
Nick Dodge
Jack Konitsney
Matt Phelan
Jake Stanesa
Group BJP-B:
Ryan-Cristofer Curamen
Thanh Mai
Aliza Opolka
Evan Petersen
Janina Wollgarten
Group BJP-C:
Graham Bailey
Jonathon DuFresne
Aaron Hopson
Hailey Kelley
Gus Scheier
Group BJP-D:
Jeffrey Li
Jan-Luca Lubbers
Nicholas Sarver
Andrew Tabaka
Austin Tait
Group BJP-E:
Syn Chua
Martin Mastrangelo
Rachel Paul
Joey Rheaume
David Smith
Cole Treece
Group FDM-A:
Scott Castor
Scott Fingeroth
Mert Ozmete
Sarvesh Subramanian
Xiaobo Wang
Group FDM-B:
Seth Bacon
Thomas Burgess
Waabe Damboba
Will Jozwiak
Luke Lemont
Group FDM-C:
Nathan Jensen
Matthew Lipscomb
Noah Moyer
David Olawale
Emily Peterson