Applied Engineering Sciences (AESC):
The culmination of course work in engineering and business, the Capstone course for Applied Engineering Sciences focuses on a semester-long project from a sponsor (industry or non-profit) typically at the confluence of modern business operations and engineering or technical issues. The course is interdisciplinary with Supply Chain Management.
For more information on sponsoring a project, please contact Dr. Laura Genik
BioSystems and Agricultural Engineering (BE):
The BE undergraduate program prepares graduates who will integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. To achieve that purpose, the primary objectives of the BE program are to prepare graduates to: identify and solve problems at the interface of biology and engineering; use modern engineering techniques and the systems approach; and analyze, design, and control components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components. Additionally, the Biosystems Engineering program is designed to help graduates succeed in diverse careers by developing a professional foundation that includes vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross-disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct. If you are interested in sponsoring a BE 485/487 Capstone Project, please contact Dr. Dana Kirk or Dr. Luke Reese.
Chemical Engineering (ChE):
ChE 434 is a logical extension of the first semester of chemical engineering senior design. The abilities developed over a wide range of chemical engineering courses are now applied to a problem extending over a somewhat longer period of time; requiring more initiative, enterprise, care and a greater measure of individual responsibility. For over 50 successive years, we have worked the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE) Student Contest Problem. We use these industry-designed problems for three reasons: 1) they are well-rounded problems; 2) they tell our students and our faculty something about the kind of abilities that industrial companies would like graduating chemical engineers to have; and 3) there is the advantage of seeing how well our students compare with graduates of other universities in a national competition of this quality.
Materials Science (MSE):
MSE466 is a senior level course for Materials Science & Engineering majors providing students with a team-based capstone design experience. A major aspect of this course is to have students apply their course-learned background knowledge and skills in materials science and other disciplines to real-life design problems. A failure analysis investigation (FAI) fits this context. Failures are a major motivating factor for promoting more innovative designs or design changes. A failure analysis investigation provides a unique platform to design and to solve real-world engineering problems via a systematic engineering approach. By focusing on a specific design failure, the student teams learn how to confront an open-ended problem that requires them to develop a strategic design plan and to execute the methodology for assessing how and why the failure occurred. The analysis is conducted using established investigative procedures and constraints for conducting failure analysis investigation. Successfully completed team projects culminate in a comprehensive written final report and a strategic redesign plan to improve the design and mitigate future failures. For Design Day the teams present their findings in half-hour presentations.
Civil Engineering (CE):
This capstone course prepares students for the work place by providing an experience with the following challenges: a project with multiple issues that must be resolved using civil and environmental engineering knowledge; formulation of conceptual solutions and resolution of conflicting design elements; development of plans that comply with regulations and provide a basis for cost estimates; balancing individual responsibility and group participation in a team based effort; preparation of written reports and oral presentations.
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE):
CSE498, Collaborative Design, also known as “The Capstone Experience,” provides the educational capstone for all students majoring in computer science at Michigan State University. Teams of students build software projects for corporate clients. During the Capstone Experience, students: design, develop, and deliver a software system to a client; learn to work effectively in a team environment; develop written and oral communication skills; become proficient with software development tools and environments; learn about system building and system administration; and consider issues of professionalism and ethics.
More information can be found at Computer Science and Engineering Capstone Experience (link to Wayne’s site) or by contacting Dr. Wayne Dyksen. (Link to Wayne’s email).
Electrical Engineering (ECE):
ECE 480 is required of all electrical engineering or computer engineering majors at MSU. It prepares students for the workplace, or for graduate school, including: putting into practice the technical skills learned in the classroom, on industrially sponsored team projects, under faculty guidance, doing open-ended design, giving them experience in teamwork, project management, product life cycle management legal intellectual property, accommodation issues and entrepreneurship; polishing their communication skills – individual and team – on proposals, reports, resumes, evaluations, posters, web pages, and oral presentations; and requiring each student to complete four individual hardware/software laboratory assignments.
Engineering 100 (EGR100):
EGR 100, Introduction to Engineering Design, is a college- level course required of all incoming first-year engineering students. It is an integral part of the CoRe (Cornerstone and Residential) Experience. The course introduces students to the engineering profession and the engineering design process through team-based, interdisciplinary design projects and assignments.
Mechanical Engineering (ME):
ME 481 is a required course for mechanical engineering majors at MSU. The course provides students with a team-based capstone design experience in which they: use the technical expertise, communication skills, and teaming methodologies they have learned throughout their mechanical engineering curriculum, together with their creativity, to solve real-world problems; collaborate with practicing engineers to address problems sponsored by industry; develop new products or re-design existing products to reduce costs or enhance reliability; interact with large,
ECE 101 is an elective course introducing freshmen students to Electrical and Computer Engineering through a series of unique/innovative hands-on flipped laboratory experiments.
ME 412
ME 412 Heat Transfer Laboratory.
ME 470
ME 470 Mechanical Design II