The Electrical and Computer Engineering projects will be on display in the Engineering Building from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The displays are located on the first floor in the 1300 hallway.
Admission is free and open to the public.
Throughout the morning, each capstone team gives a formal presentation in Room 2250 Engineering Building, which are located on the second floor of the Engineering Building. Visitors are encouraged to attend. The schedule of presentations is given below.
Schedule of Team Presentations
Engineering Building, Room 2205
Time Team
8:10 Dr. Wolfgang Bauer, MSU
Project: In-shoe Weight Sensor
8:35 Great Lakes Controls & Engineering
Project: Aeroponic Control System for Efficient Growth
9:00 Great Lakes Controls and Engineering and Conceptual Innovations
Project: Regenerative Electric Driven Power Cart
9:25 Student Developed Project
Project: IV Assistant Robot
9:50 Break
10:05 General Motors
Project: Vehicle Interior Noise Measurement System
10:30 ArcelorMittal
Project: Conveyor Transfer System for Coils
10:55 MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, Asian Aid, and Texas Instruments
Project: Wheelchair Motor Control Circuit Design
11:20 MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities and MSU Demmer Center
Project: Other-than-sight Marksman Guidance System
Engineering Building, Room 2250
Time Team
8:10 MSU College of Engineering & Dr. Satish Udpa
Project: Agricultural Robotics Vehicle
8:35 DTE Energy
Project: Evaluation of Conductors in Primary Distribution
9:00 Instrumented Sensor Technology
Project: Vibration Energy Harvester
9:25 MSU Voice Biomechanics Lab
Project: Classroom Noise Monitor
9:50 Break
10:05 Eaton Corporation
Project: Accurate Position Measurement System
10:30 Eaton Corporation
Project: Localization System
Project: Intellimotor
11:20 Student Developed Project
Project: Non-contact Temperature Sensor for the iPhone