ECE 410: VLSI Design Course Introduction – Spring 2023

Prof. Shannon Nicley

Design and Characterization of a CMOS 8-bit Microprocessor Data Path

Students in ECE 410 were challenged to design the schematic and physical layout of an 8-bit microprocessor data path, including
an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), a barrel shifter, and a register file, using CMOS circuitry and Cadence VLSI design tools. The resulting microprocessor datapath projects will be judged on their ability to satisfy several competing goals, including speed, minimization of area, number of operations and difficulty of the operation set.

TA Staff: Haojun Wang, Stephen Zajac

Spring 2022 Winning Design
2022 Intel Outstanding Project Award Winners: Hyunmin Choi, Nicklaus Fites, Connor Schanerberger

Intel Outstanding Project Award

The Intel Outstanding Project Award ($600) will be awarded to the team that produces the best overall project, as judged by a panel of experts from industry and academia. The faculty and students of Electrical and Computer Engineering are very grateful to Intel for the generous sponsorship of this award.

Team 1
Patrick Bates
Kotlin Grammer
Jonathan Sparks

Team 2
Brian Alder
Chapin Ramseyer
Ben Torok

Team 3
Nicholas Apap
Jack Curvey
Franklin Garcia-Lopez

Team 4
Andrei Dogariu
Byungchan Go
Yuxiang Su

Team 5
Brian Garcia Ibarra
Joe Kieta
Kyle Lawson

Team 6
Connor Grant
Zainub Larji
Jason Shell

Team 7
Abel Hunegnaw
Michael Scruggs
Dylan Stanfill

Team 8
Luke Manteuffel
Manny Mateo-Saja
Josh Warminski

Team 9
Keaton Mulcahy
Kyle Neid
Maximus Sese

Team 10
Ishan Desai
Devansh Markan
Vigneshwer Ramamoorthi

Team 11
Nick Krause
Carter Mayfield
Michell Youngerman

Team 12
Daniel Mihailovic
Jorge Penalozano
Vivek Virdi

Team 13
Sam Dimitroff
Sam Gilliam
Karson Mientkiewicz

Team 14
Brandon Cherry
Jensen Dygert
Yinglun Xia

Team 15
Victor Faletti
Joseph Mackinnon
Larry Williams

Team 16
Ben Dubey
Surya Saravanakumar
Jared Stross
Ryan Young