About the Program
Graduates of the MSU Biosystems Engineering (BE) undergraduate program are expected to succeed in diverse careers where they integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. MSU Biosystems Engineering graduates are expected to attain that success by:
- identifying and solving problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and the systems approach,
- analyzing, designing, and controlling components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components,
- demonstrating vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross-disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct, and
- working inclusively and equitably in diverse, cross-disciplinary environments towards sustainable solutions.
BE 485/ BE 487 Courses
Biosystems Engineering student teams, enrolled in the two-semester biosystems design capstone experience, BE 485/487, develop, evaluate, and select design alternatives to solve real-world problems. Projects are diverse, but each reflects systems thinking by integrating interconnected issues affecting the problem, including critical biological constraints. The engineering design process is documented in a detailed technical report. Teams present project designs to engineering faculty and a review panel of professional engineers for evaluation. Each BE 485/487 capstone design team prepares and presents a design solution in report, poster, and oral formats to industry, faculty, peers, and the public that:
- Requires engineering design
- Combines biology and engineering
- Solves a real problem
- Uses a holistic approach
- Interprets data
- Evaluates economic feasibility
2023/24 Projects
Full descriptions, short videos, and project posters are at: http://canr.msu.edu/bae/senior-design-2024
Public presentations at 116 Farrall Hall on April 19, 2024, 1 pm or msu.zoom.us/j/96536868510
A Networked Geothermal Energy System for Residential and Industrial Consumption: Design and Analysis
Consumers Energy (project under Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Team Consumers Energy: Ryan Heileman, Andrew Hovey, Guy Sloan, & Liliana Valkner
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chris Saffron
Ford Cove Shoreline Stabilization and Restoration
GEI Consultants
Team GEI: Ben Adams, Megan Kline, Jack Kujawski, & Zach Ostoin
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Pouyan Nejadhashemi
Process Modeling for a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Glanbia (project under Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Team S.L.U.D.G.E: Skyler Benczarski, Arthur Devota, Nicole Lambert, & Carter Monson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wei Liao, PE
Excess Brine Reduction in Continuous Corned Beef Production
E. W. Grobbel (project under Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Team Grobbel: Josephine Dukaj, Victoria Loomis, Sydney Richter, & Bilal Sabri
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kirk Dolan
Ergonomic Sampling Tool to Obtain Bulk Feed Samples Safely
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Team MDARD: Erynn Brantley-Ridgeway, Vianney Medina-Gonzalez, Nathan Schrier, & Jordan Sheely
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Daniel Uyeh & Dr. Tim Harrigan
In Vitro Growth Chamber for Imported Chestnut Tissue
Nash Nurseries
Team Chestnut Crew: Braden Heimbaugh, Syd Jacobi, Christian Loveall, & Sydney Thompson
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Yuzhen Lu & Dr. Dan Guyer
Medical Device Irrigation System Innovations
Stryker (project under Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Team Stryker: Lillian Bieszke, Emily Buijink, Kaily Kao, & Xheneta Vitija
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ilce Medina Meza
Curd Feed Rate Optimization for Improved Cheese Consistency and Operational Efficiency
Tillamook (project under Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Team Cheddar Masters: Matthew DeMartini, MeiLi Papa, Alexis Sawicki, & Jensen Tumas
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jiyoon Yi and Dr. Bahar Aliakbarian
Industry Advisory Board
The purpose of the Industry Advisory Board is to facilitate the exchange of ideas between board members, faculty, and students of the BE program. Its function is to improve continuously the BE program quality by keeping it current and relevant to industry needs. Regular and adjunct board members also serve as external project evaluators.
Janelle Barnes ~ Target
Ellen Bornhorst, PhD ~ PepsiCo
Holly Bowers ~ Consumers Energy
Jessica Bruin ~ Kellanova
Lisa Buchholz ~ Corteva Agriscience
Matt Burtt ~ AbbVie
Shelley Crawford ~ Jiffy
Michelle Crook, PE ~ MDNR
Linnea Crowley (Riddell) ~ Kellanova
Laura Doud, PE (Chair) ~ MDARD Cassaundra Edwards ~ Tillamook Creamery
Gene Ford ~ Standard Process
Jeremy Hoeh, PE ~ EGLE
Eric Iversen, PE ~ PEA Group
Kevin Kowalk, PE ~ EA Engineering, Science, and Technology (MI) PLC
Mitch Miller ~ General Mills-Yoplait
Amber Mostiller ~ E. W. Grobbel
Steve Radke ~ John Bean Technologies (JBT) Food Tech
Rob Yoder ~ BDI, Inc.
Dave Young ~ Perrigo
Board (Ex-officio)
Todd Forbush ~ Techmark, Inc. (ASABE MI Section)

BE Showcase 2023, see www.canr.msu.edu/bae/senior-design-2023
If you are interested in sponsoring a BE 485/487 capstone project for the 2024/25 Senior Design teams, please contact Dr. Sanghyup Jeong at jeongsa1@msu.edu or Dr. Luke Reese at reesel@msu.edu.