
EGR 100, Introduction to Engineering Design, is a college- level course required of all incoming first-year engineering students. It is an integral part of the CoRe (Cornerstone and Residential) Experience. The course introduces students to the engineering profession and the engineering design process through team-based, interdisciplinary design projects and assignments. There are 1034 students enrolled in EGR 100 this semester.

For the final course project, the student teams selected from seven project types: (i) Solar Car Competition,
(ii) Cell Phone App Inventor, (iii) Design of a Heat Exchanger, (iv) 3D Printing, (v) Arduino Programming, (vi) Costa Rica Design of a School Site and Educational Facility, and (vii) CoRe Industry-Sponsored Projects.
CoRe Industry-Sponsored Projects involved collaborations with ArcelorMittal on an optimal basic oxygen furnace steelmaking scrap mix design. Teams from each of the project types will display their prototypes at Design Day along with posters detailing their design concepts. Pre- college students will recognize the most outstanding projects with awards.

We would like to thank our Spring 2020 project sponsors:

More information can be found at Cornerstone Engineering.