Electrical Engineering
The Electrical and Computer Engineering projects will be on display in the Engineering Building from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The displays are located on the first floor in the 1300 hallway.
Admission is free and open to the public.
Throughout the morning, each capstone team gives a formal presentation in Rooms 2245 and 2250 Engineering Building, which are located on the second floor of the Engineering Building. Visitors are encouraged to attend. The schedule of presentations is given below.
Schedule of Team Presentations
Engineering Building, Room 2245
Time Team
8:15 Fitness Metrics, LLC
Project: Sensor Technology Interface
8:40 MSU ECE Department
Project: Test-bed Development for Geo-location of RF Emitter
9:05 ECE Shop
Project:Ballistic Chronograph
9:30 GM
Project: Rapid Prototyping Environment: Climate Control
9:55 Break
10:15 MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
Project: Refreshable 3D Braille Display
Engineering Building, Room 2250
Time Team
8:15 MSU Solar Car Team
Project: Battery Management System
8:40 MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
Project: Accessible Tactile Graphic Printer
9:05 Bosch
Project: Navigation and Infotainment System Monitor
9:30 Bosch
Project: iOS Application for Test Drive Error Reports
9:55 Break
10:15 Texas Instruments
Project: Electronic Parachute Deployment System
10:40 Fraunhofer Center for Coatings and Laser Applications
Project: Diamond Optical Properties Measurement System