Civil Engineering
Michigan State University Mixed-use Development
Student-teams developed preliminary designs for elements of a 60-acre site located east of Hagadorn Rd. and south of the Red Cedar River. The site was to be designed as a mixed-use development following the Meridian Township Planned Unit Development (PUD) requirements.
The project development must include both residential and commercial land uses. The objective of this project was to provide Meridian Township Planning Commission with a Preliminary Engineering Design. Major goals were to maximize green space; create a walkable community and ensure pedestrian and bicycle access to campus, East Lansing, and Meridian Township; to protect as many of the existing trees on-site as possible; and to identify and protect any federally classified wetlands on-site.
E = Environmental, G = Geotechnical, H = Hydrology, P = Pavements, PM = Project Manager, S = Structures, and T = Transportation
Team 1:
Back row, L-R: Tyler Jones (PM), Ash Iregbu (H), Shay Irving (E), Saeed Yadolahi (T). Front row, L-R: Danny Bensalem (P),Fang Gong (G), Sean Marti (S)
Team 2:
Back row, L-R: Alex Guyon (S), Ryan McQuiqq (H), Adam Lalik (T), John Lovely (P). Front row, L-R: Yang Wang (G), Caroline Williams (PM), James Rice (E)
Team 3:
Back row, L-R: Nicholas Soumis (PM), Neal Squibbs (E), Michael Norcia (G). Front row, L-R: Kelvin Esselink (P), Sam Jablonowski (H), Taylor Yasuda (S), Kevin Lancial (T)
Team 4:
L-R: Ryan Khodl (H), Jacob Stepp (S), David Donaldson (E), James H. Smith (PM), Yi Zhao (T), Noor Aqel (P), and Jensen George (G)
Team 5:
Back row, L-R: Benjamin Globke (S), Alex Parent (P), Tiancheng Qi (T), Brennan Thorn (G). Front row, L-R: Charifa Hejasebazzi (E), Roberto De Silva Reguera (PM), Laura Bailey (H)
Team 6:
Back row, L-R: Zachary Danks (P), Yerbol Zhakupov (T), David Linn (S), George Williams (H). Front row, l-r: Alex Blehm (PM), Haley Celovsky (E), Aric Thorne (G)
Team 7:
L-R: Back row, l-r: Robert Weir (E), Casey Bonner (H), Cory Smetana (S), Trevor Vincke (T). Front row, L-R: Bret Abraham (G), Steven Tate (PM), Matt Callaghan (P)